Separation is never easy, and the complexities involved can make it even more challenging. If you are currently navigating or soon to be facing a separation, there are major financial and emotional factors that need careful consideration. In these circumstances, there are often no clear winners or losers, as the process can be emotionally taxing for everyone involved. The Family Law Act 1975 serves as the cornerstone of family law in Australia, providing essential guidelines

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Whether you are a homeowner or a renter, everyone is entitled to live in their homes with peace and quiet enjoyment. This right, however, can sometimes be challenged by various disruptions, making it essential to understand how to protect it without undue stress.For renters in Queensland, the concept of "quiet enjoyment" is enshrined in the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008. This legislation ensures that tenants can enjoy their rented premises without undue disturbance

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In Queensland, stepping into the property market can be significantly more accessible for first-time homebuyers, thanks to the First Home Concession on transfer duty. This concession is a boon for eligible buyers, potentially saving them a substantial amount on the costs associated with purchasing a home. Here’s what both real estate agents and first-time buyers need to know about qualifying and applying for this benefit. Eligibility Criteria To avail of the First Home Concession, several

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When you look at the dynamics around sourcing a property for extended family including those that may be elderly or disabled, granny flats often come into play! Their demand is escalating given rising living costs and the accelerating lack of affordable housing for the vulnerable.When you list a property with a granny flat or a home that has the potential to have this added on, please carefully consider the legal framework that surrounds the scenario

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Buying and selling a home can be confusing for most of us. Here is some basics to help make the process as clear as possible.   Save for a Deposit The deposit is the initial cost you will need to pay when buying a home. The first step is to get your finances sorted and do a budget to identify how much you can afford to save for your deposit and work out what you

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Our daily lives revolve around our families and work. A combination or one or the other of these dynamics means communicating on many levels. Fortunate or unfortunate most of our communication is driven by technology. We switch to our mobile phones or our televisions as the quickest and easiest way to keep us informed or in touch.Social media platforms are in our faces constantly, however if this form of communication is placed in immature or

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There are two common ways to transfer property to a family member – either selling or gifting. When the owner changes (either way), the title needs to be updated. Selling the property You can transfer title property by selling it to a family member. Parents often do this for children this way and may adjust the price to give them a better deal than buying a property at market rates. You will be liable for

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In most cases when someone passes away their super is paid to their dependents. However, there are instances where it is paid to the deceased’s estate. If a person’s super is paid after death, it’s called a death benefit, this benefit is comprised of their super account balance and if there was any death insurance cover. It is important to carefully consider who will receive any benefit as even if someone doesn’t have a lot

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Whilst it is an easy conversation to ask loved ones including parents for money to buy a home or do renovations, little thought goes into the harder scenario on contemplating how you go about ensuring that those funds are repaid. If you loan monies to your children, will you get your money back? This creates difficulty, especially for the older generation who may be relying on those funds to retire comfortably. It is becoming common

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