Passing Away with Out a Will Holzworth Legal's real-life case studies reveal the costly and stressful consequences of not having a Will. These stories show how proper estate planning ensures your wishes are followed and protects your loved ones from legal battles. Reach out to the team today to get help setting up your Wills and powers of attorney. To learn more about Wills, visit our page on Succession Planning Case Studies- The Case of

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Buying and selling a home can be confusing for most of us. Here is some basics to help make the process as clear as possible.   Save for a Deposit The deposit is the initial cost you will need to pay when buying a home. The first step is to get your finances sorted and do a budget to identify how much you can afford to save for your deposit and work out what you

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In our exploration of estate planning this month, we've delved into a topic that often doesn't get the attention it deserves: simultaneous deaths. While such events are rare, it's essential to understand the potential implications, especially when it comes to beneficiary nominations, both within and outside of superannuation. When two or more individuals pass away simultaneously, the order of their deaths becomes critical in determining the distribution of assets, particularly for jointly held property and

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In most cases when someone passes away their super is paid to their dependents. However, there are instances where it is paid to the deceased’s estate. If a person’s super is paid after death, it’s called a death benefit, this benefit is comprised of their super account balance and if there was any death insurance cover. It is important to carefully consider who will receive any benefit as even if someone doesn’t have a lot

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Incorporating your superannuation entitlements into your estate plan is crucial, particularly when they are not part of your estate. Superannuation can lead to substantial distributions to beneficiaries, emphasizing the importance of aligning payments with your wishes. A non-binding nomination guides your superannuation fund on distributing funds after your death, but the trustee ultimately decides the recipients, possibly deviating from your intended beneficiaries. On the other hand, a binding death benefit nomination (Binding Nomination) allows you

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In the complex world of estate management and probate, you might have encountered the term "Letters of Administration." Although it may sound daunting, this legal phrase plays a crucial role when someone passes away without a valid will or when the appointed executor is unable or unwilling to fulfil their responsibilities. So, what exactly is a Letter of Administration, and why does it matter? This article aims to demystify this concept and shed light on

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Australian banks announced big profits over the past several weeks, and have been roundly criticised by many believing the fees charged (including interest rates) are excessive. What is not well known is that banks have passed on only 2.73% of the RBA’s (Reserve Bank of Australia) 4.00% rate increases since early 2022 as at June 2023. This has actually been a cushioning effect for borrowers. Banks have been competing aggressively and on average have not

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In the past few years, we have encountered numerous challenging situations, such as the global pandemic of CoVid 19, which has caused uncertainty in various aspects of our lives. Our lifestyles have been disrupted, housing has become more uncertain, and the cost of living has continued to rise. These circumstances have forced us to confront an important question: What would happen to our personal and financial affairs if we were unable or incapable of making

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Electronic conveyancing (or eConveyancing) is mandatory in Queensland from 20 February 2023. This means that certain instruments and other documents for property transactions will need to be digitally prepared, signed, settled and lodged using an Electronic Lodgement Network (ELN), by a subscriber, unless exempted. This includes transfers, mortgages, caveats (new, withdrawal), priority notices, and transmission by death. Under the Electronic Conveyancing National Law (Queensland), the Registrar of Titles can determine the requirements for Electronic Lodgment

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It is often the scenario where people wonder and ask why should we have a Will and hold the view that all will be fine when they pass away. More often than not it’s not the case. Consider the following: Mr M hadn’t prepared a valid Will when he died suddenly in a car accident. His loved ones expected he had a Will given he was very organised in every aspect of his life. His

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