Applying for a loan can be a valuable step toward achieving financial goals, whether it’s buying a home, starting a business, or consolidating debt. However, the process isn’t without risks. Understanding these risks can help you make informed decisions and avoid potential pitfalls. 1. Credit Score Impacts Every time you apply for a loan, the lender performs a "hard inquiry" on your credit file. While this is a normal part of the process, too many

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Humans have utilised gold as an investment vehicle to for thousands of years to drive wealth and display their fortunes. Over the past 12 months the gold price has risen over 21%. Gold might be a great investment choice in specific situations, such as when inflation is high, during economic uncertainty or geopolitical instability. At such times gold can outperform other asset classes and be used as a haven during market volatility.While gold may experience

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A guide to help you get ready for tax season, with tips from the ATO and our tax experts. Why You Should Start Preparing For Your Tax Return Now Tax time is here, and it's time to start getting your financial records in order. Whether you are an employee, a sole trader, or a business owner, you need to lodge your tax return by 31 October 2024. But don't rush to submit it as soon

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Now that the end of the financial year has passed, CPA Australia has alerted taxpayers to the Australian Taxation Office's (ATO) main focus areas for tax returns: rental property income, work-related expenses, and cryptocurrency profits. Scrutiny on Rental Property Claims Rental property owners should be meticulous with their claims, as the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has heightened its scrutiny on various aspects of rental property deductions. One primary area of focus is the distinction between

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The housing affordability crisis is having unintended consequences between generations, according to economist Professor Rachel ViforJ. "There's definitely growing intergenerational tension in the housing market. Most people who are home owners are older and many of them would have bought back in say the 1980s, or the 1990s, just before the worldwide housing boom." "If you bought just before the housing boom, then you would be enjoying a huge amount of capital gain," said Professor ViforJ. Unfortunately, what that means is that it's actually locking out growing numbers of young people from being able to access first home ownership."

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If you have participated in a BBQ with family or friends, property investment can be an uncomfortable topic when it comes to housing affordability. The disparity arises where younger buyers express concern about being ‘priced-out’ of the market because of investor tax incentives. One of those tax incentives is negative gearing, which essentially means any losses a housing investor makes on the shortfall between rent and interest will be offset against other income — and covered by the taxpayer. Speaking of this dynamic, Tim Lawless of CoreLogic said there were some ways to scale it back if any politician is game to try.

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Whether you are a homeowner or a renter, everyone is entitled to live in their homes with peace and quiet enjoyment. This right, however, can sometimes be challenged by various disruptions, making it essential to understand how to protect it without undue stress.For renters in Queensland, the concept of "quiet enjoyment" is enshrined in the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008. This legislation ensures that tenants can enjoy their rented premises without undue disturbance

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Most people are aware of self-managed super funds (SMSF), yet less familiar with Family Super Funds (FSF). In this article we explore subtle variations between the two and identify how a FSF can be seen to improve family wealth outcomes.Both Fund structures can have up to six members in total. In the case of a SMSF, these Funds do not require any of the parties to be related by blood or legal arrangement (such as

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Heading into end of financial year tax time is a good time to begin thinking about, and brushing up on, understanding how to determine the tax deductibility of expenses.  The ATO allows for a wide variety of expenses to be offset against assessable income as part of your tax return.  This applies to not only individuals, but also companies, trusts and even superannuation funds.The ATO publishes a wealth of information on its interpretation of what

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Our daily lives revolve around our families and work. A combination or one or the other of these dynamics means communicating on many levels. Fortunate or unfortunate most of our communication is driven by technology. We switch to our mobile phones or our televisions as the quickest and easiest way to keep us informed or in touch.Social media platforms are in our faces constantly, however if this form of communication is placed in immature or

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