

It’s an unfortunate and regrettable occurrence that inadequate or poor financial advice may have a huge influence on your financial future. Many Australians become victim to unscrupulous or unprofessional financial or other advisers which leave them at risk of not meeting any of their future objectives.


Repeatedly, news headlines tell the story of bank employees, institutional (think AMP) aligned financial advisers and large financial services groups like Dover financial Advisers either acting out of self-interest or against the law. By any definition, their actions are not in the best-interests of Australians.


We know not all financial advisers are the same. Just as is the case with any industry or profession, there are those who act appropriately and have your best interests in mind. The challenge may be for Australians to know who they can have confidence in to get their financial plans back on track.


That’s where Holzworth Partners’ Restore Your Future is the answer. To Restore Your Future is to regain confidence that your well laid plans to build a confident financial future, which have been frustrated through no fault of your own, can be restored.

The Restore Your Future service includes:

  1. A review of your existing plans to satisfy your goals and objectives;
  2. A measurement of actions taken to meet these goals and objectives;
  3. Forward projections of where your existing plan may lead;
  4. Taxation comparisons; and
  5. Personal succession (estate) planning needs assessment.

Drawing upon the expertise of our team of Accountants, Lawyers and Financial Advisers we will evaluate your current financial products and services and how these affect your finances now and in the future. You will receive a clear outline of your current products and services and any changes that may be needed to reach your goals.

The Restore Your Future review process is at no direct cost to you. If as a result of your review we have identified enhancements you can make, we will detail any cost so you can make an informed decision. You will also be provided with educational material, so you can understand more about the financial products and services you have.

Please contact us today to discuss how we can assist you to restore your future.